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Welcome home, Beaver!

Welkom thuis, Bever!

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All Along the River

Eendje achterna

Het Park cover web.png

Het Park




Ever since I was a child I’ve loved drawing. Drawing was the reason I became an architect and urban designer. But when I became a father I rediscovered drawing ‘just for fun’. Our home filled up with children’s books and, before you knew it, I was making one too. So far I’ve made two children’s books. I feel like I still have a lot to learn, but I love the journey.

And why is a ‘Dutch’ author writing his bio in English? I’m actually half English, half Norwegian, I studied in Scotland and now I live in Rotterdam with my German girlfriend and our three children. Might this explain why themes of home and travel feature prominently in my stories?



“This charmer demands and rewards repeat visits, and children will find unexpected pleasures every time.”

Kirkus Reviews for ‘All Along the River’


"A engaging, rewarding picture book"  

Booklist Starred Review! For ‘All Along the River’


"The illustrations are detailed and make it fun for children to explore animal life underground. The rhyming text is perfect for read-alouds and a map showing the locations of each animal’s habitat is given at the back of the book. Readers will have fun finally finding Beaver’s home in North America. Recommended.” 

School Library Connection for ‘Welcome home, Beaver!’


“Er is zoveel op die prachtige platen te ontdekken. Iedere keer opnieuw zie je weer andere grapjes die de tekenaar in zijn tekeningen verstopt heeft. Een heerlijk kijkboek met prachtige details en intussen leren de kleuter en de oudere kinderen best veel over de leefomgeving van verschillende dieren.”

Ineke van Nispen, Boekhandel Van Kemenade & Hollaers, Breda for ‘Welkom thuis, Bever!’


“Ein Biber reist um die Welt hat unter den Büchern für kleine Kinder absolut seine Daseinsberechtigung und ist ein großartiges Geschenk oder einfach ein Buch für die eigenen Kinder. Man kann sich herrlich mit den Kindern in den einzelnen Seiten verlieren. Und das Buch zeigt eben auch, dass es eine wunderschöne Mitte zwischen Lern- und reinen Spaßbüchern geben kann.”

Familiennerd for ‘Ein Biber reist um die Welt: ... und entdeckt, wie die Tiere wohnen.’



For any inquiries, please contact Magnus Weightman:

Tel: +31 (0)65234 2974

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